all postcodes in GU6 / CRANLEIGH

find any address or company within the GU6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU6 7RX 15 0 51.14744 -0.440716
GU6 7RY 5 0 51.149912 -0.440647
GU6 7SA 7 1 51.143138 -0.448857
GU6 7SB 2 0 51.148055 -0.444575
GU6 7SE 4 0 51.139649 -0.441108
GU6 7SG 27 0 51.145226 -0.431798
GU6 7SH 1 0 51.158917 -0.418997
GU6 7SJ 17 2 51.162558 -0.422906
GU6 7SL 7 0 51.156339 -0.426274
GU6 7SN 8 0 51.153742 -0.424417
GU6 7SP 9 0 51.134184 -0.438633
GU6 7SQ 16 0 51.145114 -0.422838
GU6 7SR 15 3 51.130002 -0.429474
GU6 7SS 2 2 51.149088 -0.44628
GU6 7SW 28 1 51.13431 -0.42078
GU6 7TA 3 0 51.141683 -0.481581
GU6 7UB 21 1 51.142401 -0.487266
GU6 7UN 2 0 51.138363 -0.456994
GU6 7WD 1 1 51.141259 -0.488385
GU6 7YE 1 1 51.141259 -0.488385