all postcodes in HD1 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD1 1NP 7 53.64686 -1.783535
HD1 1NU 4 53.647142 -1.783774
HD1 1NX 3 53.647153 -1.784773
HD1 1NY 2 53.646857 -1.785062
HD1 1PA 1 53.648423 -1.781544
HD1 1PB 4 53.646857 -1.785515
HD1 1QA 4 53.648008 -1.780381
HD1 1QF 4 53.647665 -1.779687
HD1 1QH 7 53.646811 -1.781569
HD1 1QJ 3 53.647013 -1.782081
HD1 1QL 0 53.646838 -1.779676
HD1 1QQ 1 53.646962 -1.780282
HD1 1QS 1 53.647063 -1.781537
HD1 1QT 1 53.647269 -1.779477
HD1 1QX 0 53.648149 -1.779367
HD1 1QY 0 53.648033 -1.779458
HD1 1QZ 1 53.648653 -1.779667
HD1 1RA 5 53.648292 -1.780245
HD1 1RL 26 53.649284 -1.780465
HD1 1RW 1 53.650294 -1.782442