all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 3EH 21 2 53.658215 -1.821607
HD3 3EJ 28 2 53.656991 -1.820719
HD3 3EL 19 4 53.657824 -1.820641
HD3 3EN 42 0 53.656299 -1.820828
HD3 3EP 38 4 53.654783 -1.824739
HD3 3EQ 10 2 53.658231 -1.820729
HD3 3ER 34 0 53.654226 -1.823137
HD3 3ES 21 0 53.65444 -1.821926
HD3 3ET 4 0 53.65471 -1.822151
HD3 3EU 26 0 53.654062 -1.821655
HD3 3EW 23 0 53.655163 -1.824328
HD3 3EX 35 0 53.654015 -1.820308
HD3 3EY 61 0 53.65424 -1.820035
HD3 3EZ 51 0 53.654787 -1.81973
HD3 3FA 3 0 53.656808 -1.875147
HD3 3FB 3 0 53.65709 -1.87799
HD3 3FD 17 0 53.656669 -1.879142
HD3 3FE 44 1 53.656207 -1.876465
HD3 3FF 5 0 53.655948 -1.877525
HD3 3FG 19 2 53.65666 -1.874542