all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 4PS 38 2 53.639933 -1.834177
HD3 4PT 23 2 53.64062 -1.836897
HD3 4PW 35 0 53.639891 -1.832046
HD3 4PX 46 0 53.641745 -1.838148
HD3 4PY 21 0 53.640433 -1.838622
HD3 4PZ 27 2 53.63982 -1.83749
HD3 4QA 4 4 53.639884 -1.83805
HD3 4QB 8 0 53.638546 -1.838554
HD3 4QF 56 10 53.637211 -1.8424
HD3 4QG 28 9 53.638086 -1.837588
HD3 4QH 5 3 53.640322 -1.829653
HD3 4QJ 7 0 53.640588 -1.829305
HD3 4QN 6 0 53.639893 -1.831546
HD3 4QP 29 0 53.643493 -1.824559
HD3 4QQ 17 0 53.639731 -1.831093
HD3 4QR 10 0 53.642677 -1.823896
HD3 4QS 2 2 53.637934 -1.838541
HD3 4QT 18 1 53.642308 -1.829434
HD3 4QU 23 0 53.642482 -1.831702
HD3 4QY 39 17 53.643451 -1.832848