all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

find any address or company within the HD3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 4LF 3 0 53.638164 -1.829481
HD3 4LG 20 0 53.638423 -1.828254
HD3 4LH 7 1 53.637488 -1.827668
HD3 4LJ 3 0 53.637305 -1.828109
HD3 4LL 9 0 53.637429 -1.826535
HD3 4LN 38 3 53.638502 -1.826938
HD3 4LP 8 0 53.637856 -1.827591
HD3 4LQ 5 0 53.638567 -1.828057
HD3 4LR 16 0 53.638545 -1.827514
HD3 4LS 18 0 53.638621 -1.828027
HD3 4LT 36 6 53.638002 -1.82269
HD3 4LU 5 1 53.638214 -1.822539
HD3 4LW 12 0 53.637704 -1.828197
HD3 4LX 20 6 53.637843 -1.824415
HD3 4LY 15 1 53.63797 -1.819378
HD3 4LZ 17 0 53.637978 -1.820892
HD3 4NB 26 17 53.639131 -1.822263
HD3 4ND 14 12 53.63955 -1.826118
HD3 4NF 26 2 53.639857 -1.825224
HD3 4NG 3 1 53.639909 -1.826086