all postcodes in HD3 / HUDDERSFIELD

find any address or company within the HD3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD3 4NH 30 0 53.638647 -1.821281
HD3 4NJ 50 0 53.63886 -1.819859
HD3 4NN 9 0 53.63967 -1.82654
HD3 4NP 5 1 53.6392 -1.826709
HD3 4NQ 32 1 53.638869 -1.821689
HD3 4NR 5 4 53.639793 -1.826767
HD3 4NS 6 1 53.639366 -1.827313
HD3 4NW 25 4 53.639346 -1.826315
HD3 4NY 9 5 53.638583 -1.833063
HD3 4NZ 22 2 53.638272 -1.82945
HD3 4PB 16 0 53.649177 -1.844428
HD3 4PE 18 14 53.64054 -1.831649
HD3 4PF 22 0 53.640876 -1.827519
HD3 4PG 27 19 53.641188 -1.827836
HD3 4PH 13 2 53.640947 -1.829137
HD3 4PJ 25 0 53.64129 -1.834051
HD3 4PL 17 0 53.640781 -1.830499
HD3 4PN 11 2 53.640383 -1.830909
HD3 4PP 12 0 53.639545 -1.833392
HD3 4PR 10 0 53.640066 -1.8333