all postcodes in HG4 / RIPON

find any address or company within the HG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG4 1HN 30 1 54.140946 -1.522678
HG4 1HP 11 0 54.140322 -1.521659
HG4 1HQ 13 0 54.144741 -1.525558
HG4 1HR 6 0 54.140149 -1.520061
HG4 1HS 17 0 54.140592 -1.519681
HG4 1HT 36 0 54.140743 -1.517001
HG4 1HU 6 0 54.140667 -1.515976
HG4 1HW 48 1 54.140369 -1.520082
HG4 1HX 13 0 54.142295 -1.516156
HG4 1HY 1 1 54.144031 -1.514299
HG4 1HZ 39 1 54.139094 -1.520219
HG4 1JA 53 0 54.146073 -1.514734
HG4 1JD 45 5 54.146789 -1.516165
HG4 1JE 1 1 54.137473 -1.522816
HG4 1JF 9 0 54.146023 -1.515761
HG4 1JG 39 0 54.146246 -1.517549
HG4 1JJ 14 1 54.14375 -1.518191
HG4 1JL 10 0 54.143211 -1.518273
HG4 1JN 26 0 54.143333 -1.519512
HG4 1JP 32 0 54.142272 -1.519325