all postcodes in HG4 / RIPON

find any address or company within the HG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG4 1DF 2 1 54.140042 -1.524639
HG4 1EP 5 0 54.139184 -1.524795
HG4 1EQ 8 8 54.137295 -1.523354
HG4 1ER 7 0 54.143042 -1.523281
HG4 1ES 6 2 54.141147 -1.523517
HG4 1EZ 6 0 54.144802 -1.527379
HG4 1ET 29 0 54.14184 -1.5238
HG4 1EU 11 0 54.142993 -1.524537
HG4 1EW 4 0 54.139057 -1.524704
HG4 1EX 21 0 54.142373 -1.52234
HG4 1EY 17 0 54.142015 -1.524946
HG4 1HA 8 0 54.145611 -1.529666
HG4 1HB 20 0 54.143954 -1.524235
HG4 1HD 19 0 54.144395 -1.524352
HG4 1HE 38 1 54.148577 -1.525101
HG4 1HF 5 0 54.145138 -1.523624
HG4 1HG 7 0 54.144515 -1.525254
HG4 1HH 22 0 54.14155 -1.516456
HG4 1HJ 12 6 54.13953 -1.523643
HG4 1HL 1 1 54.139046 -1.524