all postcodes in HG5 / KNARESBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG5 0AA 24 6 54.006926 -1.463912
HG5 0AB 6 0 54.006847 -1.464371
HG5 0AD 25 5 54.006795 -1.462815
HG5 0AF 8 0 54.005956 -1.460019
HG5 0AG 32 0 54.006029 -1.456249
HG5 0AH 8 1 54.005422 -1.459095
HG5 0AJ 16 0 54.00697 -1.459548
HG5 0AL 3 0 54.006214 -1.459466
HG5 0AN 6 0 54.006508 -1.458944
HG5 0AP 16 0 54.007641 -1.456854
HG5 0AQ 6 0 54.006265 -1.456857
HG5 0AR 10 0 54.007213 -1.455654
HG5 0AS 34 2 54.008731 -1.455451
HG5 0AT 35 0 54.00824 -1.454298
HG5 0AU 42 0 54.00835 -1.456631
HG5 0AW 36 0 54.007046 -1.456617
HG5 0AX 22 0 54.008222 -1.458326
HG5 0AY 16 0 54.008728 -1.454932
HG5 0AZ 24 0 54.008915 -1.454411
HG5 0BA 11 0 54.009625 -1.454432