all postcodes in HG5 / KNARESBOROUGH

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Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG5 8EP 21 1 53.999733 -1.459306
HG5 8EQ 24 0 54.002205 -1.463241
HG5 8ER 28 0 53.997558 -1.455246
HG5 8ES 19 0 53.998254 -1.454047
HG5 8ET 1 1 54.001973 -1.44785
HG5 8EU 23 0 53.998325 -1.455999
HG5 8EW 29 0 54.000445 -1.461738
HG5 8EX 21 1 54.000643 -1.459737
HG5 8EY 34 0 54.001709 -1.45893
HG5 8EZ 41 0 54.002242 -1.459487
HG5 8HA 12 0 54.003134 -1.45798
HG5 8HB 51 0 54.002177 -1.455079
HG5 8HD 68 2 54.002877 -1.454826
HG5 8HE 4 0 54.001573 -1.458596
HG5 8HF 37 0 54.001184 -1.458128
HG5 8HG 37 0 54.002028 -1.455996
HG5 8HH 25 0 54.000055 -1.454893
HG5 8HJ 8 0 54.001434 -1.455668
HG5 8HL 29 0 54.000956 -1.457368
HG5 8HN 22 0 53.999829 -1.456544