all postcodes in HG5 / KNARESBOROUGH

find any address or company within the HG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG5 8JP 21 0 53.997332 -1.473219
HG5 8JQ 4 0 53.999888 -1.467695
HG5 8JR 4 0 53.996008 -1.476622
HG5 8JS 5 0 53.996432 -1.477028
HG5 8JT 5 0 53.995787 -1.477433
HG5 8JU 6 0 53.99608 -1.478619
HG5 8JW 12 1 53.997295 -1.466797
HG5 8JX 4 0 53.996185 -1.480113
HG5 8JY 33 1 53.997569 -1.473933
HG5 8JZ 7 0 53.999053 -1.472083
HG5 8LA 2 0 54.000351 -1.451402
HG5 8LB 11 0 54.000475 -1.452325
HG5 8LD 51 0 54.000339 -1.454096
HG5 8LE 15 0 54.00076 -1.467836
HG5 8LF 30 21 54.00401 -1.448968
HG5 8LG 15 1 54.004726 -1.45236
HG5 8LH 20 2 54.002406 -1.450627
HG5 8LJ 7 6 54.001845 -1.445966
HG5 8QA 1 1 54.002249 -1.445329
HG5 8LL 12 0 53.998936 -1.44606