all postcodes in HP7 / AMERSHAM

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP7 0DS 26 2 51.66716 -0.620291
HP7 0DT 28 3 51.667162 -0.618903
HP7 0DY 20 1 51.667574 -0.620322
HP7 0EB 20 0 51.668138 -0.622329
HP7 0ED 16 1 51.667213 -0.621735
HP7 0EE 4 0 51.66784 -0.622989
HP7 0EF 8 0 51.667959 -0.62394
HP7 0EG 20 0 51.668826 -0.625837
HP7 0EH 23 0 51.669592 -0.622936
HP7 0EJ 5 1 51.670283 -0.623197
HP7 0EL 14 1 51.669379 -0.619298
HP7 0EN 12 0 51.666612 -0.618732
HP7 0EP 12 0 51.667859 -0.618491
HP7 0EQ 3 0 51.668705 -0.623975
HP7 0ER 21 1 51.668276 -0.618016
HP7 0ES 1 1 51.668054 -0.619078
HP7 0ET 7 2 51.668346 -0.619105
HP7 0EU 4 0 51.666245 -0.61734
HP7 0EW 21 0 51.666293 -0.61919
HP7 0EZ 30 6 51.664697 -0.610418