all postcodes in HR4 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR4 0EZ 9 0 52.056453 -2.731107
HR4 0HA 44 0 52.055721 -2.730336
HR4 0HB 43 0 52.055989 -2.73053
HR4 0HD 48 0 52.056919 -2.732791
HR4 0HE 23 0 52.057758 -2.732324
HR4 0HF 22 0 52.057931 -2.732064
HR4 0HG 19 0 52.058292 -2.733208
HR4 0HH 35 2 52.058654 -2.732938
HR4 0HJ 11 1 52.059083 -2.734811
HR4 0HN 31 0 52.057752 -2.734789
HR4 0HP 27 0 52.059093 -2.737465
HR4 0HQ 62 1 52.058852 -2.732839
HR4 0HR 30 0 52.059358 -2.73674
HR4 0HS 30 1 52.059178 -2.735308
HR4 0HT 18 0 52.059784 -2.749102
HR4 0HU 34 0 52.060614 -2.74862
HR4 0HW 17 0 52.05859 -2.734454
HR4 0HX 12 0 52.060185 -2.748204
HR4 0HY 9 0 52.057502 -2.733034
HR4 0JA 8 0 52.057533 -2.736681