all postcodes in HR4 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR4 0LB 32 0 52.055723 -2.728601
HR4 0LD 29 0 52.054832 -2.730088
HR4 0LE 4 4 52.059595 -2.727541
HR4 0LF 31 0 52.053287 -2.732834
HR4 0LG 7 0 52.052787 -2.732315
HR4 0LH 31 0 52.052879 -2.728992
HR4 0LJ 37 2 52.052197 -2.730295
HR4 0LL 4 0 52.052953 -2.730102
HR4 0LN 40 0 52.054991 -2.729143
HR4 0LP 34 0 52.067695 -2.734908
HR4 0LQ 25 0 52.052302 -2.733562
HR4 0LR 10 0 52.067609 -2.735738
HR4 0LS 59 1 52.059259 -2.732509
HR4 0LT 64 1 52.060576 -2.737533
HR4 0LU 22 0 52.05961 -2.736686
HR4 0LW 1 1 52.056291 -2.726876
HR4 0LX 8 1 52.06018 -2.737673
HR4 0LY 15 3 52.06219 -2.739662
HR4 0LZ 14 2 52.062613 -2.739653
HR4 0NA 6 0 52.062827 -2.738387