all postcodes in HR4 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR4 0JB 17 0 52.054303 -2.731349
HR4 0JD 21 0 52.055072 -2.73209
HR4 0JE 37 2 52.056377 -2.734737
HR4 0JF 56 2 52.058812 -2.740699
HR4 0JG 28 0 52.059474 -2.744137
HR4 0JH 48 0 52.059064 -2.740717
HR4 0JJ 50 0 52.059794 -2.740379
HR4 0JL 56 0 52.060272 -2.740169
HR4 0JN 42 0 52.058749 -2.737781
HR4 0JP 40 0 52.057271 -2.735452
HR4 0JQ 40 0 52.059737 -2.746577
HR4 0JR 19 0 52.057418 -2.726251
HR4 0JS 1 1 52.05335 -2.737064
HR4 0JT 1 1 52.054018 -2.726487
HR4 0JU 28 0 52.053664 -2.728523
HR4 0JW 24 0 52.058118 -2.738091
HR4 0JX 39 0 52.054038 -2.729069
HR4 0JY 30 1 52.053834 -2.73312
HR4 0JZ 40 0 52.05489 -2.733881
HR4 0LA 26 2 52.056661 -2.726574