all postcodes in HR4 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR4 7DR 20 0 52.085124 -2.803043
HR4 7DS 7 0 52.084572 -2.802274
HR4 7DT 41 0 52.084662 -2.803545
HR4 7DU 26 0 52.083732 -2.802828
HR4 7DW 31 3 52.086831 -2.803219
HR4 7DX 28 1 52.085171 -2.806721
HR4 7DY 16 0 52.086641 -2.806003
HR4 7DZ 10 0 52.086186 -2.806798
HR4 7EA 8 0 52.085354 -2.807586
HR4 7EB 13 0 52.084828 -2.808291
HR4 7ED 5 0 52.085421 -2.808318
HR4 7EE 31 0 52.084728 -2.805735
HR4 7EF 21 1 52.084244 -2.806923
HR4 7EG 7 0 52.085622 -2.805241
HR4 7EH 10 0 52.082795 -2.807001
HR4 7EJ 7 0 52.082803 -2.805934
HR4 7EL 71 0 52.083774 -2.804624
HR4 7EN 50 0 52.082962 -2.805032
HR4 7EQ 10 0 52.083421 -2.807609
HR4 7ER 15 0 52.086084 -2.803366