all postcodes in HR4 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR4 7ES 2 0 52.083262 -2.808382
HR4 7ET 38 0 52.082586 -2.808688
HR4 7EU 32 0 52.084167 -2.808936
HR4 7EX 38 0 52.085045 -2.810732
HR4 7EY 9 1 52.08312 -2.809415
HR4 7EZ 2 0 52.080265 -2.814092
HR4 7FA 12 0 52.086485 -2.802556
HR4 7FB 20 0 52.085545 -2.802043
HR4 7FD 12 0 52.085652 -2.80079
HR4 7FE 15 0 52.086015 -2.800329
HR4 7FF 57 0 52.086787 -2.800489
HR4 7HG 10 0 52.105292 -2.837717
HR4 7HH 5 0 52.10552 -2.834742
HR4 7HJ 7 0 52.12291 -2.864324
HR4 7HL 8 0 52.117314 -2.858754
HR4 7HN 10 1 52.106368 -2.863084
HR4 7HP 11 0 52.100047 -2.86676
HR4 7HQ 38 1 52.104443 -2.843295
HR4 7HW 1 0 52.097751 -2.849867
HR4 7HX 15 0 52.082893 -2.843164