all postcodes in HR4 / HEREFORD

find any address or company within the HR4 postcode district

Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR4 7LD 23 0 52.080193 -2.879229
HR4 7LE 15 0 52.097183 -2.886778
HR4 7LF 2 0 52.09872 -2.887976
HR4 7LG 4 0 52.102813 -2.890113
HR4 7LL 6 0 52.101405 -2.929285
HR4 7LN 8 0 52.107812 -2.907764
HR4 7LP 14 0 52.105628 -2.92162
HR4 7LR 37 2 52.101147 -2.927721
HR4 7LS 6 0 52.101229 -2.929909
HR4 7LT 17 2 52.101289 -2.931356
HR4 7LU 5 0 52.100809 -2.937463
HR4 7LW 14 0 52.101536 -2.917068
HR4 7LX 4 0 52.100798 -2.937769
HR4 7LY 2 0 52.099045 -2.939955
HR4 7LZ 1 0 52.105146 -2.944927
HR4 7NA 18 0 52.102302 -2.93183
HR4 7NB 11 0 52.10672 -2.934725
HR4 7ND 2 0 52.103808 -2.927732
HR4 7NE 6 0 52.097993 -2.91482
HR4 7NF 23 0 52.099742 -2.929265