all postcodes in HR4 / HEREFORD

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Postcode Area

HR / Hereford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HR4 7NG 5 0 52.098242 -2.926796
HR4 7NH 3 2 52.093303 -2.905149
HR4 7NJ 1 0 52.099162 -2.898479
HR4 7NL 17 0 52.086054 -2.918184
HR4 7PA 2 0 52.053124 -2.73874
HR4 7PB 12 0 52.054297 -2.74952
HR4 7PD 5 0 52.052581 -2.746414
HR4 7PE 3 0 52.051629 -2.751956
HR4 7PF 10 0 52.04866 -2.756425
HR4 7PG 22 0 52.053373 -2.771439
HR4 7PH 4 0 52.058103 -2.764403
HR4 7PJ 8 0 52.058423 -2.782786
HR4 7PL 20 0 52.063526 -2.780585
HR4 7PN 29 0 52.06401 -2.77683
HR4 7PP 34 0 52.053909 -2.78819
HR4 7PQ 5 0 52.060962 -2.765779
HR4 7PR 27 0 52.055217 -2.799691
HR4 7PS 5 1 52.06561 -2.798316
HR4 7PT 7 2 52.073583 -2.790565
HR4 7PU 32 0 52.072866 -2.784835