all postcodes in HS1 / STORNOWAY

find any address or company within the HS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS1 2UQ 0 58.219942 -6.385728
HS1 2UR 1 58.212605 -6.358263
HS1 2UT 1 58.213894 -6.361574
HS1 2UU 0 58.213848 -6.359234
HS1 2UX 1 58.211892 -6.356233
HS1 2UZ 0 58.213916 -6.360674
HS1 2XB 2 58.208757 -6.386169
HS1 2XD 5 58.208452 -6.387444
HS1 2XE 1 58.208654 -6.387187
HS1 2XF 9 58.208206 -6.389227
HS1 2XG 2 58.208357 -6.389263
HS1 2XH 1 58.208197 -6.380059
HS1 2XJ 1 58.208414 -6.389968
HS1 2XP 4 58.208324 -6.391286
HS1 2XQ 8 58.208622 -6.388904
HS1 2XS 1 58.207873 -6.391588
HS1 2XX 2 58.207787 -6.39111
HS1 2YA 0 58.222115 -6.383055
HS1 2YB 0 58.221971 -6.383839
HS1 2YD 0 58.223234 -6.386586