all postcodes in HS1 / STORNOWAY

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS1 2FG 1 1 58.209137 -6.378897
HS1 2FH 1 1 58.209137 -6.378897
HS1 2FJ 1 1 58.209137 -6.378897
HS1 2FL 1 1 58.209137 -6.378897
HS1 2FP 1 1 58.209137 -6.378897
HS1 2FQ 1 1 58.209137 -6.378897
HS1 2FR 1 1 58.209137 -6.378897
HS1 2XN 7 0 58.208379 -6.391515
HS1 2EE 0 0 0
HS1 2XA 0 58.208121 -6.390903
HS1 2JZ 6 0 58.210568 -6.386691
HS1 2DL 0 58.210093 -6.383241
HS1 2DY 0 58.213085 -6.387785
HS1 2EB 2 58.213088 -6.387428
HS1 2XT 1 58.20801 -6.392031
HS1 2UY 12 0 58.219853 -6.383696
HS1 2ED 12 0 58.210828 -6.388563
HS1 2HY 42 0 58.216242 -6.382262
HS1 2XY 0 58.207757 -6.390919
HS1 2TJ 2 2 58.221678 -6.385465