all postcodes in HS1 / STORNOWAY

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Postcode Area

HS / Outer Hebrides

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HS1 2QS 0 58.207863 -6.384457
HS1 2QT 9 58.207469 -6.382133
HS1 2QY 1 58.206907 -6.382797
HS1 2QZ 0 58.219795 -6.393745
HS1 2RA 12 58.206685 -6.380111
HS1 2RB 14 58.206347 -6.380768
HS1 2RD 6 58.207061 -6.377696
HS1 2RE 0 58.205606 -6.380609
HS1 2RF 28 58.20661 -6.37851
HS1 2RL 1 58.205524 -6.375419
HS1 2RN 3 58.205335 -6.374902
HS1 2RP 0 58.205111 -6.374857
HS1 2RR 0 58.20462 -6.373195
HS1 2RS 2 58.202614 -6.383059
HS1 2RT 2 58.2031 -6.373613
HS1 2RW 0 58.205021 -6.376431
HS1 2RX 0 58.204514 -6.369724
HS1 2RY 0 58.203628 -6.370654
HS1 2RZ 0 58.203664 -6.369074
HS1 2SD 9 58.205537 -6.370745