all postcodes in HU15 / BROUGH

find any address or company within the HU15 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU15 2BB 47 0 53.771855 -0.591917
HU15 2BD 1 0 53.768173 -0.582582
HU15 2BE 4 0 53.773032 -0.592115
HU15 2BH 11 0 53.770813 -0.593008
HU15 2BP 11 2 53.768445 -0.600088
HU15 2BQ 19 0 53.767769 -0.601758
HU15 2BS 31 3 53.768069 -0.600444
HU15 2BT 27 0 53.768547 -0.599077
HU15 2BU 14 0 53.765862 -0.599303
HU15 2BW 3 0 53.766879 -0.598602
HU15 2BX 9 0 53.76624 -0.600899
HU15 2GL 4 0 53.763823 -0.601501
HU15 2BZ 3 0 53.758808 -0.605399
HU15 2DA 2 1 53.759709 -0.593279
HU15 2DB 16 10 53.758558 -0.594237
HU15 2DD 13 1 53.754997 -0.594144
HU15 2DE 17 0 53.753087 -0.600638
HU15 2DG 21 0 53.75444 -0.599562
HU15 2DH 30 0 53.754036 -0.603458
HU15 2DN 4 1 53.753378 -0.604056