all postcodes in HU15 / BROUGH

find any address or company within the HU15 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU15 2DP 7 1 53.752618 -0.606705
HU15 2DR 8 1 53.75141 -0.605638
HU15 2DS 6 0 53.751433 -0.60453
HU15 2DT 6 0 53.752788 -0.603591
HU15 2DU 3 0 53.752505 -0.603949
HU15 2DW 8 1 53.752953 -0.60771
HU15 2DX 4 0 53.7548 -0.604237
HU15 2DY 4 0 53.758457 -0.606391
HU15 2DZ 7 0 53.758713 -0.60752
HU15 2EA 20 2 53.754236 -0.637184
HU15 2EB 4 0 53.758466 -0.652746
HU15 2ED 8 0 53.766668 -0.614303
HU15 2EE 8 0 53.768668 -0.600764
HU15 2EF 38 0 53.767188 -0.603583
HU15 2EG 6 0 53.76664 -0.61363
HU15 2EH 38 2 53.768728 -0.601453
HU15 2EJ 60 0 53.769634 -0.603623
HU15 2EL 27 0 53.770785 -0.604405
HU15 2EN 10 0 53.76464 -0.615622
HU15 2EP 39 5 53.7676 -0.604729