all postcodes in HU5 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU5 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU5 4BN 15 0 53.76393 -0.380934
HU5 4BP 47 0 53.763439 -0.379239
HU5 4BQ 3 0 53.768327 -0.381736
HU5 4BS 27 0 53.758342 -0.372548
HU5 4BW 18 0 53.769174 -0.380505
HU5 4DA 25 1 53.757958 -0.37276
HU5 4DB 20 0 53.758291 -0.3734
HU5 4DD 57 0 53.760001 -0.374229
HU5 4DE 40 0 53.757592 -0.372289
HU5 4DG 17 0 53.757495 -0.375721
HU5 4DH 13 2 53.758101 -0.374666
HU5 4DJ 2 2 53.758923 -0.374095
HU5 4DL 10 3 53.759535 -0.375005
HU5 4DN 31 0 53.759499 -0.377039
HU5 4DP 45 0 53.758611 -0.377165
HU5 4DQ 12 0 53.757806 -0.375466
HU5 4DR 24 0 53.758918 -0.377229
HU5 4DS 10 1 53.760355 -0.37514
HU5 4DT 2 1 53.761152 -0.373432
HU5 4DU 39 0 53.759324 -0.379367