all postcodes in HX6 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX6 3JA 17 0 53.684879 -1.937673
HX6 3JB 8 0 53.684325 -1.938036
HX6 3JD 1 0 53.683237 -1.937735
HX6 3JG 12 0 53.704743 -1.918526
HX6 3LD 4 4 53.708518 -1.905975
HX6 3LF 15 8 53.709211 -1.89993
HX6 3FB 1 1 53.710471 -1.901124
HX6 3LG 1 0 53.702252 -1.883798
HX6 3LN 20 5 53.699913 -1.926457
HX6 3LP 6 0 53.697733 -1.9347
HX6 3LQ 5 0 53.701211 -1.885755
HX6 3LR 3 0 53.697491 -1.934958
HX6 3LS 8 0 53.697329 -1.93514
HX6 3LT 3 0 53.697195 -1.935337
HX6 3LU 4 0 53.697069 -1.935594
HX6 3LW 2 0 53.697919 -1.934049
HX6 3LX 39 0 53.710015 -1.900426
HX6 3LY 39 0 53.709655 -1.90073
HX6 3LZ 12 2 53.695204 -1.933887
HX6 3NA 4 1 53.695836 -1.933082