all postcodes in HX6 / SOWERBY BRIDGE

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Postcode Area

HX / Halifax

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HX6 3PG 4 0 53.705224 -1.911814
HX6 3PH 4 0 53.703254 -1.923285
HX6 3PJ 21 0 53.702419 -1.924392
HX6 3PL 4 0 53.705879 -1.909965
HX6 3PN 8 0 53.705816 -1.910071
HX6 3PP 3 0 53.705394 -1.911193
HX6 3PQ 15 0 53.702277 -1.926952
HX6 3PR 7 0 53.70535 -1.912223
HX6 3PS 2 0 53.705482 -1.912391
HX6 3PT 4 0 53.705368 -1.912753
HX6 3PU 3 0 53.704371 -1.912604
HX6 3PW 8 0 53.705124 -1.910618
HX6 3SX 2 0 53.702051 -1.915457
HX6 3PX 2 0 53.702589 -1.913926
HX6 3PY 3 0 53.702341 -1.914456
HX6 3PZ 2 0 53.702015 -1.915503
HX6 3QA 8 0 53.702843 -1.912895
HX6 3QB 6 0 53.703729 -1.911516
HX6 3QD 12 0 53.703283 -1.912651
HX6 3QE 7 0 53.703236 -1.909516