all postcodes in IP12 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP12 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP12 1AZ 52 3 52.095002 1.322987
IP12 1BA 6 0 52.095387 1.324009
IP12 1BB 16 1 52.094221 1.322301
IP12 1BD 21 2 52.09349 1.323897
IP12 1BE 35 0 52.092129 1.31994
IP12 1BG 14 0 52.092362 1.320265
IP12 1BH 15 9 52.091021 1.319026
IP12 1BJ 10 2 52.096122 1.32567
IP12 1BN 9 1 52.091328 1.319297
IP12 1BW 28 9 52.090328 1.319354
IP12 1BT 13 0 52.092466 1.318505
IP12 1BU 28 0 52.091701 1.318536
IP12 1BX 26 9 52.091519 1.317004
IP12 1BY 16 4 52.090696 1.320666
IP12 1DB 2 0 52.093684 1.320216
IP12 1DD 22 8 52.09277 1.317915
IP12 1DE 11 10 52.093032 1.320124
IP12 1DH 46 17 52.093199 1.315464
IP12 1DJ 1 1 52.092629 1.316239
IP12 1DY 11 1 52.093889 1.318129