all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 7DF 6 0 52.173544 1.259385
IP13 7DG 1 0 52.170816 1.264349
IP13 7DH 1 0 52.180412 1.262726
IP13 7DJ 3 0 52.183416 1.261132
IP13 7DL 1 0 52.179263 1.259745
IP13 7DN 1 0 52.17564 1.252472
IP13 7DP 9 0 52.185541 1.251279
IP13 7DW 4 0 52.173073 1.244825
IP13 7DQ 1 0 52.178844 1.264806
IP13 7DR 7 0 52.196167 1.26088
IP13 7DS 1 0 52.194906 1.27456
IP13 7DU 3 0 52.199317 1.285423
IP13 7EA 7 1 52.249262 1.253609
IP13 7EB 8 0 52.245237 1.261915
IP13 7ED 1 0 52.245018 1.26269
IP13 7EE 17 1 52.242206 1.265824
IP13 7EF 6 0 52.240436 1.268346
IP13 7EG 2 0 52.242087 1.270768
IP13 7EH 5 0 52.242751 1.263373
IP13 7EJ 6 1 52.24056 1.260956