all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 7EL 5 0 52.236196 1.255817
IP13 7EN 19 1 52.241551 1.24525
IP13 7EP 5 0 52.233433 1.243457
IP13 7EQ 2 0 52.246482 1.279619
IP13 7ER 6 0 52.236647 1.233538
IP13 7ES 2 0 52.244046 1.232993
IP13 7ET 1 0 52.244745 1.232414
IP13 7EU 3 0 52.2455 1.232102
IP13 7EW 1 0 52.236325 1.239332
IP13 7EX 9 1 52.249214 1.232446
IP13 7EY 8 0 52.252133 1.230958
IP13 7EZ 10 0 52.255631 1.230992
IP13 7HA 1 0 52.252067 1.224828
IP13 7HB 3 0 52.256041 1.221936
IP13 7HD 2 0 52.252187 1.23656
IP13 7HE 1 0 52.249562 1.244032
IP13 7HF 4 0 52.267063 1.259707
IP13 7HG 3 0 52.267246 1.257331
IP13 7HH 30 1 52.260015 1.247214
IP13 7HJ 2 0 52.264507 1.243175