all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 7NP 4 0 52.265167 1.289809
IP13 7NQ 3 0 52.262132 1.291592
IP13 7NR 1 0 52.267643 1.282252
IP13 7NS 10 0 52.271676 1.274413
IP13 7NT 14 0 52.2708 1.27193
IP13 7NU 37 0 52.269017 1.263516
IP13 7NW 1 0 52.265026 1.294226
IP13 7NX 2 0 52.276547 1.267339
IP13 7NY 7 1 52.283968 1.282286
IP13 7PA 6 0 52.281347 1.26649
IP13 7PB 1 0 52.288693 1.257761
IP13 7PD 17 1 52.281473 1.252538
IP13 7PE 4 0 52.280013 1.235891
IP13 7PF 4 0 52.269691 1.265823
IP13 7PG 25 0 52.268451 1.2544
IP13 7PJ 6 1 52.157128 1.308503
IP13 7PL 3 0 52.157115 1.29227
IP13 7PN 5 0 52.158194 1.284526
IP13 7PP 4 0 52.153167 1.285136
IP13 7PQ 5 0 52.258739 1.249818