all postcodes in IP13 / WOODBRIDGE

find any address or company within the IP13 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP13 7LN 2 0 52.19487 1.325329
IP13 7LP 25 0 52.268313 1.257116
IP13 7LQ 5 0 52.201209 1.316156
IP13 7LR 5 0 52.259718 1.269032
IP13 7LS 2 0 52.259518 1.27595
IP13 7LT 2 0 52.260286 1.277428
IP13 7LU 8 0 52.259009 1.284516
IP13 7LW 6 0 52.196082 1.316154
IP13 7LX 4 0 52.25609 1.278204
IP13 7LY 1 0 52.2591 1.286091
IP13 7NA 2 0 52.255671 1.293297
IP13 7NB 2 0 52.255459 1.293809
IP13 7ND 3 0 52.257825 1.29954
IP13 7NE 1 0 52.246375 1.29214
IP13 7NF 3 0 52.245147 1.287169
IP13 7NG 1 0 52.24657 1.280358
IP13 7NH 7 0 52.269269 1.293031
IP13 7NJ 4 0 52.271776 1.293759
IP13 7NL 1 0 52.272383 1.299082
IP13 7NN 2 0 52.261244 1.301157