all postcodes in IP20 / HARLESTON

find any address or company within the IP20 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP20 0JG 23 0 52.3801 1.330993
IP20 0JF 10 0 52.379807 1.333102
IP20 0JH 6 0 52.382887 1.322414
IP20 0JJ 1 0 52.380121 1.33107
IP20 0JL 6 0 52.396921 1.336671
IP20 0JN 5 0 52.37942 1.334545
IP20 0JP 3 0 52.381334 1.344931
IP20 0JQ 1 0 52.372394 1.325683
IP20 0JR 5 0 52.375407 1.353346
IP20 0JX 6 0 52.3758 1.364984
IP20 0JY 8 0 52.374253 1.37317
IP20 0JZ 10 1 52.370182 1.388951
IP20 0LA 19 0 52.373449 1.369494
IP20 0LB 29 3 52.371777 1.369792
IP20 0LL 13 0 52.369464 1.367015
IP20 0LE 5 0 52.370544 1.369831
IP20 0LG 7 0 52.37041 1.369145
IP20 0LH 30 0 52.372666 1.367332
IP20 0LJ 5 0 52.373412 1.36814
IP20 0LN 6 1 52.359084 1.367974