all postcodes in IP20 / HARLESTON

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP20 0LP 18 2 52.359811 1.381105
IP20 0LQ 16 0 52.373662 1.367277
IP20 0LR 2 0 52.363515 1.378155
IP20 0LS 5 0 52.367889 1.374286
IP20 0LU 4 0 52.374088 1.339301
IP20 0LX 5 0 52.368975 1.343057
IP20 0LY 15 0 52.371733 1.368173
IP20 0NH 24 1 52.39763 1.336257
IP20 0NJ 9 1 52.398223 1.337696
IP20 0NL 2 0 52.399041 1.339625
IP20 0NN 9 0 52.400951 1.336961
IP20 0NP 11 0 52.400471 1.33963
IP20 0NR 10 0 52.398298 1.350143
IP20 0NS 6 0 52.414107 1.362579
IP20 0NT 4 0 52.412017 1.380011
IP20 0NU 6 0 52.409731 1.375509
IP20 0NX 10 0 52.40899 1.376735
IP20 0NY 1 1 52.40697 1.380534
IP20 0NZ 5 0 52.404377 1.37575
IP20 0PA 8 0 52.398754 1.376438