all postcodes in IP20 / HARLESTON

find any address or company within the IP20 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP20 0PB 4 0 52.390968 1.369095
IP20 0PD 7 0 52.392617 1.344476
IP20 0PE 15 0 52.387475 1.351981
IP20 0PF 1 0 52.384016 1.349309
IP20 0PG 5 0 52.38473 1.370059
IP20 0PJ 13 0 52.402692 1.399708
IP20 0PH 6 0 52.405772 1.379504
IP20 0PL 2 0 52.41287 1.403092
IP20 0PN 15 0 52.401918 1.407221
IP20 0PQ 3 0 52.401567 1.412811
IP20 0PR 8 0 52.400681 1.40864
IP20 0PS 18 0 52.394826 1.412026
IP20 0PX 2 0 52.400313 1.394391
IP20 0PY 5 0 52.399908 1.390789
IP20 0PZ 6 0 52.405101 1.379379
IP20 0HQ 1 0 52.415155 1.339416
IP20 0LT 9 0 52.372022 1.367064
IP20 0AG 6 0 52.413198 1.339153
IP20 0DR 4 0 52.44186 1.325795
IP20 0LD 1 0 52.375024 1.369481