all postcodes in IP20 / HARLESTON

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP20 9BE 21 7 52.401671 1.300286
IP20 9BG 9 0 52.401814 1.300665
IP20 9BH 27 4 52.400138 1.297231
IP20 9BJ 2 0 52.401079 1.298445
IP20 9BL 3 0 52.400886 1.298478
IP20 9BN 13 0 52.398261 1.295827
IP20 9BP 1 1 52.399392 1.295911
IP20 9BQ 5 0 52.401338 1.30045
IP20 9BS 5 0 52.401849 1.292962
IP20 9BT 8 0 52.402099 1.293363
IP20 9BU 32 0 52.40139 1.297163
IP20 9BW 23 5 52.400828 1.297312
IP20 9BX 6 0 52.401935 1.2976
IP20 9BY 49 0 52.400237 1.292724
IP20 9BZ 14 6 52.39881 1.295644
IP20 9DA 2 0 52.400194 1.297306
IP20 9DB 21 1 52.39827 1.294548
IP20 9DD 30 2 52.40017 1.294807
IP20 9DE 25 0 52.400675 1.299903
IP20 9DF 16 1 52.400207 1.300868