all postcodes in IP20 / HARLESTON

find any address or company within the IP20 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP20 9DG 17 0 52.399015 1.299426
IP20 9DH 40 0 52.401578 1.292045
IP20 9DJ 8 0 52.401096 1.29223
IP20 9DL 12 0 52.401089 1.291523
IP20 9DN 46 0 52.399188 1.302407
IP20 9DQ 15 0 52.399267 1.298475
IP20 9DR 20 0 52.400575 1.303145
IP20 9DS 12 0 52.401052 1.304122
IP20 9DT 14 0 52.400034 1.304502
IP20 9DU 45 0 52.400561 1.302365
IP20 9DW 31 2 52.399421 1.305968
IP20 9DX 9 0 52.40146 1.30077
IP20 9DY 17 0 52.398849 1.297649
IP20 9DZ 15 0 52.397964 1.297128
IP20 9EA 15 13 52.397264 1.304162
IP20 9EB 15 13 52.396321 1.305207
IP20 9ED 9 0 52.40018 1.301204
IP20 9EE 12 0 52.403488 1.301922
IP20 9EF 29 0 52.407713 1.301988
IP20 9EG 3 1 52.402194 1.299605