all postcodes in IP20 / HARLESTON

find any address or company within the IP20 postcode district

Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP20 9EH 7 6 52.39642 1.303452
IP20 9EJ 14 0 52.399701 1.297434
IP20 9EL 26 0 52.398081 1.30068
IP20 9EN 18 3 52.403846 1.301008
IP20 9EP 3 0 52.403949 1.302133
IP20 9EQ 16 0 52.405805 1.300433
IP20 9ER 3 2 52.404044 1.301799
IP20 9ES 46 2 52.405223 1.301625
IP20 9ET 31 0 52.407582 1.300566
IP20 9EU 4 0 52.40323 1.300212
IP20 9EX 17 0 52.407021 1.302612
IP20 9EY 43 0 52.406585 1.299845
IP20 9EZ 22 0 52.407448 1.299541
IP20 9HA 5 0 52.401445 1.298079
IP20 9HB 27 0 52.405678 1.303171
IP20 9HD 10 0 52.406901 1.304956
IP20 9HE 36 2 52.406902 1.306207
IP20 9HF 21 0 52.407568 1.304595
IP20 9HG 43 2 52.404443 1.306361
IP20 9HH 28 0 52.403378 1.308413