all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8XN 0 52.300327 0.484542
IP28 8XP 0 52.300424 0.485486
IP28 8XR 1 1 52.305738 0.500835
IP28 8XQ 7 7 52.305125 0.496238
IP28 8AR 3 0 52.373261 0.487636
IP28 8XU 4 0 52.300543 0.498577
IP28 8XW 4 0 52.300516 0.499015
IP28 8XY 25 0 52.29971 0.498853
IP28 8XZ 5 0 52.299773 0.498446
IP28 8XX 0 52.333225 0.476625
IP28 8FU 1 52.370543 0.481323
IP28 8NW 3 52.370214 0.47556
IP28 8JY 24 0 52.306098 0.497848
IP28 8YT 8 0 52.304768 0.495643
IP28 8RL 10 0 52.371174 0.484679
IP28 8RS 42 0 52.372139 0.483675
IP28 8YU 0 52.299554 0.500249
IP28 8YW 0 52.299833 0.500632
IP28 8YX 0 52.300132 0.501397
IP28 8ZA 0 52.299423 0.501342