all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8QN 2 0 52.376755 0.418534
IP28 8QP 6 0 52.383876 0.396547
IP28 8QS 1 0 52.357536 0.420427
IP28 8QT 2 0 52.356919 0.433861
IP28 8QU 3 1 52.368573 0.428973
IP28 8QZ 3 0 52.320748 0.441912
IP28 8RA 8 0 52.363112 0.46302
IP28 8RB 3 0 52.362731 0.459767
IP28 8RD 6 0 52.365599 0.452435
IP28 8RE 4 0 52.363032 0.443475
IP28 8RF 13 0 52.375234 0.445255
IP28 8RG 2 0 52.383819 0.434468
IP28 8RH 2 0 52.395699 0.408971
IP28 8RJ 1 0 52.390979 0.386806
IP28 8RN 2 0 52.373877 0.460338
IP28 8RQ 1 0 52.396173 0.418807
IP28 8RR 1 1 52.351148 0.509816
IP28 8RU 40 3 52.334879 0.483969
IP28 8RX 14 1 52.335477 0.488846
IP28 8RY 9 0 52.336467 0.495229