all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8RZ 7 0 52.334309 0.488385
IP28 8SA 10 0 52.333803 0.487226
IP28 8SB 14 0 52.333931 0.48967
IP28 8SD 7 1 52.331911 0.489967
IP28 8SE 7 0 52.336026 0.481141
IP28 8SF 24 1 52.333977 0.478091
IP28 8SG 35 0 52.335711 0.479876
IP28 8SH 10 0 52.333207 0.479236
IP28 8SJ 4 0 52.332663 0.477283
IP28 8SN 5 0 52.330598 0.472397
IP28 8SP 11 0 52.335181 0.481564
IP28 8SQ 9 0 52.333214 0.478441
IP28 8SR 3 0 52.331002 0.492544
IP28 8ST 40 0 52.374731 0.478428
IP28 8SU 60 0 52.37537 0.479306
IP28 8SW 11 0 52.334515 0.468697
IP28 8SX 15 0 52.374657 0.479016
IP28 8SY 5 0 52.37461 0.480791
IP28 8TA 14 0 52.305475 0.49331
IP28 8TB 17 0 52.306629 0.492289