all postcodes in IP29 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP29 4JP 11 0 52.12989 0.667662
IP29 4JR 1 0 52.129883 0.658938
IP29 4JS 1 0 52.128246 0.667183
IP29 4JT 5 0 52.123344 0.66841
IP29 4JU 4 0 52.120421 0.677147
IP29 4JX 2 0 52.117516 0.681516
IP29 4JY 7 0 52.128504 0.670077
IP29 4JZ 1 0 52.135239 0.662925
IP29 4LD 4 0 52.135738 0.649173
IP29 4LE 2 0 52.13393 0.644375
IP29 4LG 1 0 52.137416 0.637041
IP29 4LH 10 0 52.124935 0.636041
IP29 4LJ 2 0 52.11909 0.64449
IP29 4LL 3 0 52.114844 0.665668
IP29 4LN 5 0 52.122237 0.663654
IP29 4LQ 18 0 52.133587 0.622041
IP29 4LW 2 0 52.121698 0.652051
IP29 4NA 13 0 52.140199 0.668322
IP29 4ND 20 0 52.145654 0.646225
IP29 4NE 2 1 52.151797 0.6577