all postcodes in IP30 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP30 0HG 6 0 52.163365 0.808487
IP30 0HH 2 0 52.172686 0.796568
IP30 0HJ 13 1 52.169482 0.801295
IP30 0HL 50 0 52.167374 0.805551
IP30 0HN 9 0 52.16823 0.806234
IP30 0HP 7 0 52.171713 0.816734
IP30 0HQ 15 0 52.167532 0.802694
IP30 0HR 25 0 52.169935 0.803738
IP30 0HT 5 0 52.157947 0.786665
IP30 0HU 5 1 52.156029 0.78191
IP30 0HW 8 0 52.168535 0.807817
IP30 0HX 11 0 52.150047 0.781494
IP30 0HY 12 0 52.148459 0.784421
IP30 0HZ 12 0 52.148461 0.785839
IP30 0JA 3 0 52.146629 0.786119
IP30 0JB 12 1 52.142326 0.790075
IP30 0JD 8 0 52.146993 0.789358
IP30 0JE 6 1 52.152018 0.805432
IP30 0JF 7 0 52.143891 0.802613
IP30 0JG 1 0 52.144023 0.785722