all postcodes in IP31 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP31 3BH 1 0 52.300926 0.950677
IP31 3BJ 7 0 52.30396 0.955955
IP31 3BL 4 0 52.305372 0.962769
IP31 3BN 4 0 52.303722 0.972575
IP31 3BP 28 0 52.301228 0.943259
IP31 3BQ 21 0 52.302882 0.941507
IP31 3BS 6 0 52.29718 0.93469
IP31 3BT 11 0 52.296726 0.931945
IP31 3BU 8 0 52.295146 0.941243
IP31 3BW 10 0 52.307118 0.939307
IP31 3BX 5 0 52.292381 0.9547
IP31 3BY 4 0 52.296476 0.960327
IP31 3BZ 45 1 52.298699 0.939395
IP31 3DA 13 0 52.299721 0.943497
IP31 3DB 16 0 52.299104 0.942957
IP31 3DE 14 0 52.308156 0.942061
IP31 3DF 20 0 52.299498 0.944524
IP31 3DG 17 1 52.283804 0.917015
IP31 3DH 24 1 52.282543 0.91529
IP31 3DJ 16 0 52.280674 0.91266