all postcodes in IP31 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP31 3EP 10 0 52.263887 0.903043
IP31 3EQ 5 0 52.281832 0.915669
IP31 3ET 28 0 52.281563 0.916707
IP31 3EU 10 0 52.281685 0.918342
IP31 3EW 1 0 52.266912 0.898505
IP31 3EX 1 0 52.277198 0.92812
IP31 3HA 20 1 52.275482 0.930556
IP31 3HD 2 0 52.275701 0.926819
IP31 3HE 12 0 52.272739 0.923324
IP31 3HF 3 0 52.271464 0.923225
IP31 3HG 2 0 52.271391 0.925084
IP31 3HH 21 0 52.262749 0.924705
IP31 3HJ 10 1 52.258081 0.917831
IP31 3HL 5 0 52.258017 0.927675
IP31 3HN 8 0 52.265062 0.934048
IP31 3HP 4 0 52.261478 0.937137
IP31 3HQ 22 0 52.270441 0.925679
IP31 3HR 9 0 52.260069 0.955026
IP31 3HS 7 0 52.268081 0.943569
IP31 3HT 13 0 52.270406 0.944808