all postcodes in IP31 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP31 3DL 5 0 52.27718 0.911726
IP31 3DN 28 0 52.282011 0.912777
IP31 3DP 22 2 52.285231 0.918223
IP31 3DQ 4 0 52.282723 0.917809
IP31 3DR 2 0 52.286249 0.922514
IP31 3DS 6 0 52.286189 0.917304
IP31 3DT 8 0 52.285275 0.919722
IP31 3DU 3 0 52.281383 0.914891
IP31 3DW 30 0 52.28455 0.918868
IP31 3DX 5 0 52.285887 0.919689
IP31 3DZ 5 0 52.307775 0.939704
IP31 3EA 5 0 52.287277 0.912213
IP31 3EB 6 0 52.293212 0.90125
IP31 3ED 5 0 52.29696 0.895892
IP31 3EE 18 2 52.287147 0.898126
IP31 3EF 1 0 52.283829 0.899185
IP31 3EG 5 1 52.281726 0.895484
IP31 3EJ 4 0 52.278596 0.894767
IP31 3EL 25 0 52.2792 0.892504
IP31 3EN 11 0 52.278386 0.896366