all postcodes in IP32 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP32 7PN 0 52.244766 0.756108
IP32 7PP 0 52.243608 0.756402
IP32 7PE 50 0 52.244895 0.752907
IP32 7PQ 30 0 52.243693 0.752774
IP32 7PR 8 0 52.245125 0.752277
IP32 7PS 17 0 52.244724 0.753659
IP32 7YY 1 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP32 7BF 6 1 52.244684 0.741467
IP32 7YA 4 3 52.242862 0.753704
IP32 7GY 12 7 52.242974 0.754678
IP32 7YB 1 1 52.242639 0.756298
IP32 7PT 46 0 52.248349 0.754
IP32 7PU 5 0 52.248063 0.754334
IP32 7YL 1 1 52.239837 0.755377
IP32 7AJ 16 15 52.249717 0.724472
IP32 7PW 63 0 52.248788 0.75602
IP32 7PX 16 0 52.248472 0.755693
IP32 7PF 0 52.245059 0.756272
IP32 7PZ 0 52.24475 0.756781
IP32 7QA 0 52.2451 0.757579