all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP33 1EB 11 52.246487 0.713654
IP33 1EF 0 52.245368 0.714626
IP33 1EH 1 52.248271 0.712737
IP33 1EL 3 52.247582 0.712607
IP33 1EP 0 52.248787 0.714922
IP33 1EQ 2 52.247286 0.713732
IP33 1HA 0 52.248105 0.714895
IP33 1ES 5 52.245291 0.71405
IP33 1ET 7 52.245395 0.715023
IP33 1LX 1 52.245702 0.714573
IP33 1EZ 3 52.247271 0.714405
IP33 1HB 0 52.248201 0.714227
IP33 1HE 7 52.246214 0.715731
IP33 1HG 0 52.246244 0.717199
IP33 1HH 0 52.25027 0.716522
IP33 1HL 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 1HN 1 52.247403 0.715673
IP33 1HP 11 52.248507 0.716561
IP33 1HQ 1 52.246795 0.717101
IP33 1HR 1 52.248122 0.717666