all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP33 1JZ 9 52.252956 0.715866
IP33 1LA 7 52.244834 0.711222
IP33 1LB 16 52.24455 0.713007
IP33 1LF 1 52.242165 0.753105
IP33 1LJ 1 52.244546 0.713228
IP33 1LN 1 52.24402 0.711862
IP33 1LQ 1 52.244512 0.712728
IP33 1LS 4 52.244291 0.716449
IP33 1LT 1 52.244592 0.715531
IP33 1LU 1 52.2442 0.715741
IP33 1LW 15 52.244752 0.714822
IP33 1LY 0 52.243824 0.716055
IP33 1LZ 7 52.244015 0.714411
IP33 1NE 24 52.244083 0.713815
IP33 1NH 0 52.242946 0.714361
IP33 1NJ 0 52.242427 0.715442
IP33 1NL 1 52.241943 0.714944
IP33 1NN 0 52.242352 0.714368
IP33 1NP 1 52.241619 0.713415
IP33 1NR 4 52.242943 0.71291