all postcodes in IP33 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP33 1YQ 8 52.247317 0.72333
IP33 1YR 0 52.248807 0.726938
IP33 1YW 5 52.248442 0.72485
IP33 1AF 52 0 52.249361 0.719294
IP33 1AG 25 0 52.249518 0.718322
IP33 1AH 18 0 52.249639 0.718169
IP33 1AJ 12 0 52.248934 0.717935
IP33 1TF 7 0 52.249138 0.711779
IP33 1SA 6 0 52.249971 0.712738
IP33 1JE 4 0 52.250498 0.714045
IP33 1AL 6 0 52.250189 0.712634
IP33 1AP 0 52.247204 0.721214
IP33 1GZ 10 0 52.252112 0.717016
IP33 1AQ 38 2 52.249075 0.724638
IP33 1SU 6 0 52.249999 0.7123
IP33 1AR 18 0 52.247207 0.724964
IP33 1HW 6 0 52.247824 0.718071
IP33 1XY 57 1 52.246553 0.717848
IP33 1FA 12 0 52.246587 0.714803
IP33 1QL 0 52.240313 0.7154